Court Opinion relating to students of unaccredited districts transfer to other schools

This was a hot topic of discussion at our recent meeting. A big hats off to State Representative John McCaherty for his comments and information that he shared about this and other important issues in our state government. I thought it may be of some interest to our members to get more information about this issue. Listed below are sites to go to for information on how the Judges instituted this in our state.

Case name: Gina Breitenfeld, Appellant vs. School District of Clayton, et al., Respondents, State of Missouri and Attorney General Chris Koster, Appellants.

Recent Article:

Summary of Court Decision:

Full Court Decision:

Supreme Court Judges:

Chief Justice Mary R. Russell

Judge George W. Draper III

Judge Laura Denvir Stith

Judge Patrica Breckenridge

Judge Paul C. Wilson

Judge Richard B. Teitelman

Judge Zel M. Fischer


About Charles Groeteke

Councilman Jefferson County Council District 4 2013 Director Rock Township Ambulance District 2013 Jefferson County Pachyderms Secretary Interim President Jefferson County Pachyderm Club 2014 Past Club President
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